Sunday, August 13, 2006

This is interesting. For starters, dumpsters are placed randomly throughout the community and I could never really receive a clear explanation. Whatever the initial reason, it is clear that the public service announcement garbage receptacle duality is here to stay.

There are statements like this and statements that allude to taking care of your children, abstaining from alcohol, etc. Here, parents consider their children grown-up at age 12. There are many problems that stem from the assumption that a 12 year old can and should act as an adult.


Blogger Brian Kruk said...

Brady, you are correct. For starters I could lose my job if I had been caught purchasing, consuming, or distributing alcohol. In addition, for me to become involved in any sort of consumption would mean that I would have to become involved in some sort of underground market, at which point I don't even want to imagine. Finally, there would be no way for me to save face among my students if they were to witness me entering one of their homes per an illegal exchange.

Thanks for replying Brady, you've been the only one to respond to the new posts.

I'll have some interesting ones for you soon.

7:34 AM  
Blogger Brian Kruk said...

Nags, you'd fit in well here. All of the time we spent practicing at the shooting range would finally come in handy. If you should think about selling the business and moving up here. We'll hunt, fish, and recruit Eskimo women to turn the pelts we collect into exotic underwear just like we've always dreamed.

8:04 PM  

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