Sunday, December 03, 2006

On Parenting

Kids are needy. It is possible that we can agree on the fact that in this crazy world the time to satisfy the needs and wants of children can be a burdensome detour on the road to financial and mental stability. One minute a child may need food or drink, and then they’re into things they shouldn’t, there’s injuries, fights, nagging, whining, pleading, crying, and scheming. Kids cost money; the kind of money that is hard earned and then usurped from the pleasure budget in such a fashion that it may appear to have been purged from your account by a Puritanical Totalitarian regime(or so I had been led to believe). Nevertheless, most are content to keep their children, and often for decades on end. As a result, many strategies have been developed and subsequently expressed in books and talk shows in an attempt to establish and maintain a more peaceful and successful relationship between parents and children. Like all quality art, parenting is such that bits and pieces are taken from others, internalized, and then expressed in a form that is unique to one's experience. Yup’ik parents, like other parents, are no different with their creativity in this regard. Though it may not be the healthiest approach, there is no denying that slinging your 10 year old a can of chew will undoubtedly allow your child to form a relatively cheap, pacifying habit that will keep him or her out of your hair for years to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your posts. My brother is a fellow colleague of yours. Take care.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Brian Kruk said...

Hello andy's sis,

I've heard much about you and am happy to make your virtual acquaintance.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you hate kids?

2:02 PM  
Blogger Brian Kruk said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Brian Kruk said...

No, but I can understand how you might have come to construe such a thought via the language employed. It is also my understanding that your question is in direct response to said language. Given this fact it is more than likely that you had not meant to touch on various levels of meaning with your question. However, as it is one of great concern to me, I would like to take the time to explore your question more fully.

In the event that your thought may be along the lines of why, if I care about kids, haven't I done anything to remedy the situation, I shall begin by stating that I have tried. I have attempted to lead by example, have counseled children such as those on the boardwalks, have brought to light the damaging affects brought on by chewing tobacco in my health class, and have made my observations known to the participatory members of the community. All in the name of advocating for kids.

Therefore, anonymous, I ask you to please remember that:
1. This is a different culture
2. I am a minority (a fact made known to me via periodic references to the fact that I am a gussick)
3. It is known that my presence here is transient

Which all adds up to my possession of a marginal amount of respect and influence. Yet, I still try, for the sake of the kids.

As per my presentation of this experience, some of my posts have been criticized for taking on a gloomy tone. This is true. For 12 hours a day I put forth as much positivity as I can, but for whatever reason, living in the throes of abject poverty induces a gut-wrenching pain for me. Though this effect has lessened due to desensitization, I still find it necessary to let out the pent-up frustrations inside of me.

Furthermore, the perception presented is merely the expression of my experience, which I have gained via immersion within this particular community. I think that my presentation of this particular piece (drawn from said experience) provides the setting from which one can understand how it could be that a mother would intentionally provide her child with a highly addictive substance at such an early age.

I am, ofcourse, open to criticisms.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen infant baby bottles filled with Coke or Pepsi because fresh milk is unavailable. or found the lysol cocktail lounge located just a short stagger away from town. Divorce rate near99%? everyone related to everyone? darkness ,few jobs . This will have an effect on you no doubt just rise above it and get home in one or at the most two those who ask for your help,do what you can for the rest.
Most of those kids are probably going to do what their parents and their grandparents have done. if you help one child to take a journey into the unknown jump out of the comfort zone and do something awsome and out of the ordinary most of us should consider you a success.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A simple yes or no would have sufficed

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious was your blog created for the anonymous rant? Or do you prefer kind hearted souls with input valuable to the rest of the world? Like I said, I'm just curious. Well done on you voyage up to this point. Tell me, has Seagal made it out of hiding yet. Seriously, whats the problem? He must have heard of your ability to execute a perfect Alaskan High Kick!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Brian Kruk said...

Segal has yet to show his face and I have not yet seen the briefcase full of cash. I suspect that he's timing his attack. The question now, is when.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whining, pleading, crying, and I was reading your blog and couldn't possibly relate to it more. (temper tantrum city in the Pollin house) I was just telling Patric I have never worked so hard at anything in my entire life as I am at being a parent. (Seth does have Patric's DNA) Your blog really touched home for me as Seth is racing into the "terrific twos" I must say I have never considered tossing Seth a can of chew, infact I did find your post at first a bit disturbing, but I live in a place and am blessed to have an incredible amount of entertainment, and distraction options for the both of us! Furthermore if it was culturally exceptable who knows what I would try to gain a moment to myself. For lets say I don't know the sake of going to the bathroom in peace!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your writing elicits such powerful reactions from the world, well done. You are all that a parent is supposed to be Brian simply because you are fully aware and you truly care for the well being of people.

6:53 AM  

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