Saturday, November 04, 2006

Native Youth Olympics

If all goes well, this will be the inital post introducing you to the world of the Native Youth Olympics. NYO, as is commonly referred to, is a competition comprised of events, presumably unique to Eskimos. These events demonstrate the awesome strength, flexibility, and concentration of the young participants. Their performances are as awe-inspiring as they are bizarre. As having bore witness to this event, I stand firm in my belief that if the Eskimos were 6" taller, the face of professional sports would forever be changed.

The event you see before you is known as the pole carry. The object is to hang on to the pole with one's wrist for as long as possible. Personally, I have trouble getting in to an Indian style sitting position, let alone maintaining it, while supporting my weight with my wrist. However, your skills in this regard may be more finely honed than my own, thus leaving you less impressed than I.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard of this. Of course ESPN did a piece on the events. I'm curious, does your contract state no attempts of The Alaskan High Kick?
If not I believe you should dominate the event and take home the Gold!

Good Day :)

3:40 PM  

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