Tuesday, October 10, 2006

vegetable oil

Dwindling supplies of oil and instability in the Middle East have caused concerns over how we might transcend our fossil fuel dependency. Where will we find our next source of energy? Experts claim that we will either transition to hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, or teleportation, but it seems that these "experts" might have overlooked the power of vegetable oil.

While at a stop light in Anchorage, I happened upon the bumper of the car presented to your left. In the event that you are unable to clearly see it, the bumber sticker states, "FUELED BY VEGETABLE OIL". "How great", I exclaimed. For the entire time we sat at the stop light I couldn't help but consider the possibilities while admiring the initiative. Now, as I came upon the vehicle while it was already in a stopped position, I do not know how it actually arrived in its current location. I assumed that it had been driven, but these assumptions were immediately checked when the light turned green, the engine failed to turn, and the vehicle remained still. "Not yet", I exclaimed while passing by, "not yet". But hopefully the day will soon come when we can refuel our vehicles and ourselves with the same cocktail.


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