Sunday, February 11, 2007

Little People

Tales of diverse humanoid beings of short stature can be found the world around. Gnomes, trolls, and dwarves have been known to dwell throughout Europe. The Irish have leprechauns; the British have hobbits, and the Yup’ik maintain that the mysterious lights appearing on the dark, wintry, Southwestern Alaskan nights belong to the little people whom reside in the outlying regions of the tundra villages.

The notion of Hobbits and leprechauns can be easily digested given the fact that these tales are typically placed neatly within the confines of fantasy, myth, legend, and folklore as opposed to the not-so-palatable notion that little people are current phenomenon, dwelling in the outskirts of one’s home town.

For some time I had heard about these little people, but only in passing. I had developed some questions as I was unclear at the moment, as to whether what I was hearing was true or if it was merely a notion conjured up to take gussicks on the proverbial “ride”. Fortune was on my side, however. The topic was broached in one of my classes and I was afforded the opportunity to probe the minds of the Yup’ik youth. What occurred went a little something like this:

Me: “Has anyone caught one?”
Students: “They’re too fast. They ride snow-machines.”

Me: “They ride snow-machines?”
Students: “Yes.”

Me: “How did they get them?”
Students: “Naam” (Translation—I don’t know).

Me: “Where do they live”?
Students: “In houses”.

Me: “Then surely we will be able to find them”.
Students: “They can’t be found”.

Me: “Well then how do you know they exist”?
Students: “My cousin/auntie/brother/neighbor has seen one near the store/out in the tundra”.

Me: “Bull”
Students: “You don’t know. You don’t believe. They’re real”.

Now, Yup’ik people are story-tellers, fibbers, or liars, depending on how one chooses to look at it. Asking a question, making a statement, or any other prompt directed toward a Yup’ik person will lead immediately to a false response. For whatever reason, not telling the truth at the outset has become so ingrained and so habitual that one begins to believe that this fine art had been employed as a survival tactic and had been subsequently honed over generations.
In instances such as these, playing the “bull” card (similar to our BS) is sufficient enough to inspire a giggle (the response to being called out) and a purge of the truth. Given the responses to some of the questions I had posed, I felt certain that I was being had, if you will, and that by playing the card I would finally relieve myself of what was, to me, nonsensical gibberish. To my surprise, my statement was not replied to via the means I had anticipated. In place of laughter, I received anger and frustration of the variety that comes as a result of a long-held belief coming to blows with the faculties of reason. As the students became more tense and the atmosphere a bit more hostile, I decided that the conversation needed to be deterred from its present course. The topic was no doubt, a sensitive one.

I emerged for the encounter with the sense that these students believed wholeheartedly in the existence of little people and I began to formulate theories as to why or how this came to be. The best I could come up with was that this must be a story that had been contrived by parents so as to keep their children from wandering too far out in to the unforgiving, ice-covered wasteland.

Time passed, as time does, and nothing more was mentioned of the little people until I was confronted by the mother of one of my students. I had anticipated the conversation would center on the student’s performance, but was surprised to find that the mother’s focus concerned my disbelief of the presence of little people. Reason is unfortunate in that, if used successfully, it can be used to bolster any “truth”. As such the reasonableness of my theory eroded when possessed by a look of grave concern, this mother began to restate many of the arguments made by the students as well as share additional affirmations for the existence of the little people. Clearly, this notion was not one held solely by students, but by adults as well. As I encountered more villagers, more stories surfaced, coupled with the sharp, concerned look that spoke of a deep, enduring conviction that seems to persist despite the fact that no little person or even an artifact for that matter has ever been recovered. Nevermind such trivialities. These people it seemed, for some reason truly believed. As such, I began to question myself. What proof did I have that little people didn’t exist, anyway? Who was I to come in and start shelling out “truth” about a locality I know little about? Moreover, why was I so vehemently anti-little people? Could it be that I was the delusional one?

Then it dawned on me. At the outset it seemed that I had been pursuing this idea as an open, objective observer, but a closer look led me to the horrid truth that I was merely trying to utilize the faculties of reason to rationalize away the existence of little people so that I could, at least in my own mind, free myself from the notion that I was, at any given moment, amidst an unknown-sized population of David-inspired-ankle-biters whose vehement assaults on large people has perpetuated ever since the tainting of Goliath’s good name.

So even now, despite a smattering of testimonies by countless sources, I remain with my delusions so as to avoid the catatonic despair that would undoubtedly set in if I were to wake up and realize the "truth" of the events transpiring around me. Or better yet, maybe I'll "get a grip", become pro-active, set a trap, catch one, come to terms with its existence, follow in the footsteps of the great P.T. Barnum and set my sights on the largly untapped Alaskan-bush freak market.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be Santa's Elves !!!
Catch one for Connor will ya ?
He would love one......

Uncle Bob

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These "people" of the tundra seem interesting and, how you say, delightfully elegant. I wonder if the truth lies within the people not of a colder version of the game telephone but that of the Yu Pik essence. My request to you is to seek out the source of these “people” and uncover a conspiracy so intact that the mere notion of light filled little “people”, well; it just makes me giddy inside.

“The unreal is more powerful than the real, because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.”

2:14 PM  
Blogger KMorgan said...

How can you be such a non-believer in these "little people". They are my friends and distant relatives. Hope you are doing good!!

6:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't of said it better. OR could I...
Suppose that this theory of yours is true and up to this point undiscovered. Please, Pretty please tell us more!
(justcon, are you interested in joining my bracket challenge for the tourney? If so, contact me. DO IT!!!)

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Dolly said...

It's true some stories get twisted, but that doesn't mean they don't come from truth. I live in Northwest Alaska and have heard stories about little people that cannot be made up.

Iyuupuk Mountains between Teller/Brevig Mission and Nome, there have been small mukluk prints found that could not have been made my anybody else.
Somewhere around the Kobuk area in Northern Alaska, a pilot and passengers thought they would see a heard of caribou running. The pilot flew down to see and instead what they saw were little people dressed in furs running pretty quickly. It was about 2-3 years ago, and actually made the news.
About 2 years ago, 2 land surveyors (who are not Native Eskimo) took a helicopter to Ear Mountain on the mainland near Shishmaref. While there, one of the men sustained major injuries due to a little person beating him up. Just like stories we've heard from our Elders (that the land surveyor hasn't heard) the little person (as we call them "inningaaluurut") made motions as if to punch him but without touching him. He was severely beaten and had to be flown to a hospital where the doctors wouldn't believe what had happened.

Why don't you come and camp at Ear Mountain and see for yourself? Or maybe, you're too afraid?

The point is, these stories are passed through our generations NOT to scare the kids or anybody else, BUT to teach them about respect for the land, the things that live in it, and especially for our ancestors. These things are not to be made fun of.
I can understand how it might seem silly to a lot of people, but western civilization has taught us things like this cannot exist with their scientific theories.

If you ask around, in other Alaskan villages, these little people have been seen also.

Even so, if you still don't believe- we do. You can joke, you can laugh, you can try to discredit it to others, but we know. :)

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:43 AM  
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4:27 AM  
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5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL the ones in our area on the coast, live underground. They go into houses and they have tried taking people from the village. Two of my brothers yelled at one that came in my eldest brothers house. It just laughed at them then disappeared.

5:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol the ones in our area don't ride snow machines, they don't need them if the can run fast. Some have been seen in houses, there was one that tried taking my cousin when him, his brothers and his mom were picking berries up on the mountain. Some are mean as hell and some are help full. At night we can see lights on top of big rocks moving where they live. They live all over Alaska, so many people from all over Alaska have seen them. I'm from the coast below the mouth of the Yukon.

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Lone Alaskan Gypsy said...

First off I find the your views on Eskimos being "chronic liars" as utterly ridiculous and quite honestly hateful. Second of all I'm a "gussuck" as you call it, and I definately believe in ircenrraats (that's what they're called- not "little people"). Just because you have never seen one nor experienced their presence does not mean they don't exist. They are the same thing as English fairies or Celtic leprachauns. Perhaps there is no proof of their existance, but neither is their one of a Christian God or Muslim Allah, yet entire races also believe in such things. Attacking someone's personal beliefs is wrong and prejudice. Yup'ik people have an astounding culture and a part of that culture is the belief in ircenrraats. Telling their children that such things are not real would be the same thing as telling a Catholic child Jesus does not exist. It's hateful, distasteful, and the fact you would type such hateful views online is the reason so many other races feel attacked by white people and their overbearing beliefs. I'm ashamed that you would say such things. Obviously you view Eskimo's beliefs as "superstitions and rubbish". That is fine. As do many others. But this post is the SAME exact thing as an attack on any other religious faith in the entire world. And I am humiliated for you. You should be ashamed of the derogatory manner in which you wrote this post.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like some of your story but being from western Alaska n of native decent who's grandparents lived through the adoption of western cultures; disagrees your reactions to the kids n our beliefs. Thanks b13

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I want to share my oppinion. How do you know what is actually in Alaska. Alaska is so big and so wild in some places, you can walk and be in a place in the forest where no one has been in 50 years for example. Alaska is amazing and has so much energy in it. To me the only other place thats probably that strong is Sibir. Modern people do not know many things... because the busy life puts you in your own box does not let you see things that could be right infort of you. I think Alaska makes you see things better. I can`t explain it, I believe there are little people, I do not know if they are actually little people how do you know what they are. But I know Alaska is sooo huge you could have absolutely anything outthere and not know about it or you may never see it. When people see things they have never seen before they explain them with something they already know, the native people have been in the wild living close to nature they probably see more than a person that lives in the big City. I come from Europe in my cutlure we have stories about spirits that hide in the water where people used to go get water to drink and other spirits that can hide in the house or just in a tree or whatever, they show up not always and they take different shapes, like they could be small naked man or they could be an animal of some sort thats for people that can see them some people can not, they could hear voices they might not even notice them. This is vary old legends that came in my culture before Christianity and they mixed up with it but I know this is coming form so long ago when Europe was not so populated and the nature was there more than it is right now people were closer to it. May be there is something that you can`t see or it is not that often that you see it when you live in an area thats not that close to nature. May be these spirits hide now you know... In my country they say this spirits are mischivouse like little children they can be mean or just play jokes on you or they can make you get lost in the forests and such. The country I am from is one of the oldest in Europe our nation was there thousands of years ago, so my idea is you never know whats out there. You don`t need proof like a bone from them or anything how about if they are like spirits of some sort but people see them like little people just cause thats how they can understand them...
I don`t know how much of the stories are true and how many are legends but I would not go in the Tundra alone... I live in Alaska for 5 years now and I love it so much but I deffiently wouldn`t just randomly go in the woods without anyone knowing and such, its just logical, here the nature is the strongest it can smash you just like that. Anyways I was just thinking about this little people a lot today because they reminded me of what legends I have heard back home. For example another thing the old people in my country believe is that every house has a spirit that protects it, like the little spirit that makes sure the house is safe, they used to leave food for them during the night and such just to make them feel happy. Have a great day :)

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I want to share my oppinion. How do you know what is actually in Alaska. Alaska is so big and so wild in some places, you can walk and be in a place in the forest where no one has been in 50 years for example. Alaska is amazing and has so much energy in it. To me the only other place thats probably that strong is Sibir. Modern people do not know many things... because the busy life puts you in your own box does not let you see things that could be right infort of you. I think Alaska makes you see things better. I can`t explain it, I believe there are little people, I do not know if they are actually little people how do you know what they are. But I know Alaska is sooo huge you could have absolutely anything outthere and not know about it or you may never see it. When people see things they have never seen before they explain them with something they already know, the native people have been in the wild living close to nature they probably see more than a person that lives in the big City. I come from Europe in my cutlure we have stories about spirits that hide in the water where people used to go get water to drink and other spirits that can hide in the house or just in a tree or whatever, they show up not always and they take different shapes, like they could be small naked man or they could be an animal of some sort thats for people that can see them some people can not, they could hear voices they might not even notice them. This is vary old legends that came in my culture before Christianity and they mixed up with it but I know this is coming form so long ago when Europe was not so populated and the nature was there more than it is right now people were closer to it. May be there is something that you can`t see or it is not that often that you see it when you live in an area thats not that close to nature. May be these spirits hide now you know... In my country they say this spirits are mischivouse like little children they can be mean or just play jokes on you or they can make you get lost in the forests and such. The country I am from is one of the oldest in Europe our nation was there thousands of years ago, so my idea is you never know whats out there. You don`t need proof like a bone from them or anything how about if they are like spirits of some sort but people see them like little people just cause thats how they can understand them...
I don`t know how much of the stories are true and how many are legends but I would not go in the Tundra alone... I live in Alaska for 5 years now and I love it so much but I deffiently wouldn`t just randomly go in the woods without anyone knowing and such, its just logical, here the nature is the strongest it can smash you just like that. Anyways I was just thinking about this little people a lot today because they reminded me of what legends I have heard back home. For example another thing the old people in my country believe is that every house has a spirit that protects it, like the little spirit that makes sure the house is safe, they used to leave food for them during the night and such just to make them feel happy. I do not think it is an accident that there are similar stories in 2 absolutley saparate places where people have not had any contact with each other to switch ideas and ifluence the plot of the legends and such. I apologize for the spelling mistakes, Have a great day :)

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Blackfoot said...

Hi. I've just today been reading about stories of these "ircenrraat" (try a Google book search).

And what I find so eery is that the little people in these stories, because of their skill at deception and penchant for kidnapping children amongst other things like how the create lights, and live underground for far longer than humans, represents an almost identical folklore to very old European myths of faeries and elves, who were represented as very malevolent creatures who acted the exact same way with identical features and characteristics...

11:32 PM  
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6:18 PM  
Anonymous Alaska lady said...

Its one of those "u gotta see it to believe it" things. I never believed it till i actually started seeing them. They're shape shifters too. Idk what they are but they scared the shit out of me. U be lucky if u run into a friendly one. They're all over Alaska. Elders told us back in the day they actually waited with gifts outside the ircinraq(little ppl) home to get invited in then trade goods, eat and have tundra tea, but something happened and most aren't friendly anymore.

2:02 AM  
Anonymous Alaskan said...

Lol its funny how some ppl think about us "liars,fibbers.." i bet if u seen one or experienced what we have u would be scared af! Js

2:14 AM  
Anonymous Emmy said...

Have you ever heard of the blue people of the Appalachian mountains? They are a people that live very remotely. someone had a genetic mutation of blueish skin and passed it on. They have enter married so much of the small remote community have this blueish skin. Sounds fictional but it is a fact. Look it up.
I bring this up because it could be a possibility that here are remote groups of people who have passed on genetic traits such as dwarfism and it has become a prominent trait in their community.
Just a thought....

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Emmy said...

Have you ever heard of the blue people of the Appalachian mountains? They are a people that live very remotely. someone had a genetic mutation of blueish skin and passed it on. They have enter married so much of the small remote community have this blueish skin. Sounds fictional but it is a fact. Look it up.
I bring this up because it could be a possibility that here are remote groups of people who have passed on genetic traits such as dwarfism and it has become a prominent trait in their community.
Just a thought....

8:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe you would call an entire group of people, (that are not you're own) liars and/or fibbers. Are you an expert on Yupi'k history? Are you Yupi'k yourself? Lemme guess, your great, great-grandfather was one quarter Cherokee?

How dare you. You did not offer any stories, or show any true interest in these beings. Only a claim that MY people are liars and that you won't believe these stories until you see one with your own white eyes first, so you can capture one yourself.

Question: What would you do if you caught one? You certainly couldn't speak it's native tongue. Would you sell it to the media? Cash in on some juicy story that the Eskimo's made up?

I am here to tell you that Yupi'k translates into "The Real People", as you SHOULD know, what with working around these people and even teaching their children. Yupik's and Alaskan Natives in general, are some one the strongest, smartest and genuine people in the Universe. And I am so proud of my people and our history.

I wish you the best of luck on the hunt for these people. But if they take you, you'll never return.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe you would call an entire group of people, (that are not you're own) liars and/or fibbers. Are you an expert on Yupi'k history? Are you Yupi'k yourself? Lemme guess, your great, great-grandfather was one quarter Cherokee?

How dare you. You did not offer any stories, or show any true interest in these beings. Only a claim that MY people are liars and that you won't believe these stories until you see one with your own white eyes first, so you can capture one yourself.

Question: What would you do if you caught one? You certainly couldn't speak it's native tongue. Would you sell it to the media? Cash in on some juicy story that the Eskimo's made up?

I am here to tell you that Yupi'k translates into "The Real People", as you SHOULD know, what with working around these people and even teaching their children. Yupik's and Alaskan Natives in general, are some one the strongest, smartest and genuine people in the Universe. And I am so proud of my people and our history.

I wish you the best of luck on the hunt for these people. But if they take you, you'll never return.

12:54 PM  

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