Tuesday, April 17, 2007

On Open-mindedness

If by intent or by fate you someday find yourself working in sub-arctic Alaska and are given the choice of sleeping in the space you work, living with your boss, or building an igloo, be sure to weigh all options carefully. Keep an open mind and above all else, do not allow your socialization to lead you to believe that having heat, electricity, and appliances or not having to wake everyday upon a twin mattress to the sound of generators will somehow compensate for the sight of your boss in his underwear, akward middle-of-the-night bathroom encounters, the fact that he can never hear his alarm, his insistence on pouring his coffee in to his house mug before pouring it in to his travel mug, or his incessant desire to share "The Good Word".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pal,
Coming down to home stretch. Well you've said it well based on your previous statements and random Vegas conversations at which to confuse me further, "Crazy Guy." I often think if one would be able to successfully visit you and enter this realm of simple insanity, would it be different? Oh well maybe next year! HA!!! I look forward to your return and the series of novels to follow. Keep in mind one thing, they'll never get a copy and if they do they'll just throw sharp objects at it... just kidding, I’m sure the people you've encountered are better people now. The Krak as struck again and for this we shall celebrate. In honor of Krak Attacks return we should all plan a festivus for the rest of us-ish gathering of the minds and liver.
Be prepared for a refreshing of your remembrance (not proper English but is anything I say?)
Love ya pal, see you soon...
p.s. tell that commie scum, Seagal that I hate him!

4:18 AM  
Blogger Brian Kruk said...

I love you Schultz.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When is your big return????

3:47 PM  

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