Saturday, May 12, 2007

Reasons for leaving Chefornak Part 1 -OR- Fun with words

Commerce? Trade? Dependency?
What will you do? What will you be?
Here’s what to know. Here’s who to be.
Specialized in society?
Why not adaptability? Why not Versatility?

A Human being removed from friends and family
An oily cog in a production machine
Participant in another’s dream
An allegiance to thee, LKSD? An allegiance to thee whoever ye be?
Whatever happened to allegiance to me?

Conformity? Not originality?
Not to pursue something new?
Not to pursue something that moves me closer to free?
Is it fear? Lack of ability?
Desire for goods? False security?

Procedures? Rules? Efficiency?
Necessary need these be? Too much focus here? Possibly.
Doth not a fire burn in the?
Does not though desire to be one’s own entity?
Might this be worth releasing security?

Is this the difference between "stayers" and me?

Whatever happened to independent and free?
Self-reliance? Self-determinacy?
Broad-knowledge beings and hyper-creativity?
Too narrow. Too bland. Too procedural this be.
‘Tis why I must leave ye, LKSD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a poet and you didn't even know it?

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for this one to come home....hurry home! love, mom

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your blogs. It reminds me so much of my big brother and allows me yet another portal of seeing what you all are exposed to. Thank you for your entries and insight!

Sarah (Andy's sister)

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come back Brian, it is time.


7:42 AM  

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