Thursday, August 17, 2006

part 2

You my friend, can have your "A".

Just another day in the bush part 1

If you are unable to discern what this child is doing, I'll have you know that he is throwing a knife at some plywood structure. I asked him if there were people inside and he paused for a moment, shrugged his shoulders, and then threw the knife.

I would've said something, but it was my second day there and for all I know, this type of skill may be one that is highly encouraged.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

For those of you who don't know, the region of the world in which I am currently living is dry. Alcohol isn't sold (legally) anywhere you can reach by foot, four-wheeler, dog-sled, or snow machine. Alcohol is difficult to receive, but human beings are not moral or law abiding or any of that, we are creatures of desire and as such demand will always be supplied. A black market certainly exists and as it stands, I have not yet been privy to goings-on of the operation.

People have and will always desire booze and in most cases they should have it, but so far, fromwhat I've seen and heard, its probably best that these folks are prohibited from using it.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has many ill effects, be they physical, mental, or emotional and pregnant women here do not necessarily possess the knowledge of the consequences involved with booze in the womb. Suicide and substance abuse are common. Last year, in my village alone, there were 2 suicides and a gas huffing experience gone awry.

There are playgrounds here, but these are not enough to satisfy the imaginations of some of the youth. While taking a break from the playground a young lad (11 or 12) huffed some gas and then died on his return.

There is a great desire to get high here and I imagine if booze were legal, there wouldn't be a sober native in the bunch. How do I know this? Men, women, and children have a tendency to spit, quite often. At first I wondered if the difference was cultural? Or maybe it was from some physical difference, perhaps? No and no. Everyone (including 8 year old girls) is spitting so that they don't swallow the tobacco laden spit that comes from their ceaseless desire to chew.

I'm sure I'll have more to share concerning this subject as the year gets underway.

This is interesting. For starters, dumpsters are placed randomly throughout the community and I could never really receive a clear explanation. Whatever the initial reason, it is clear that the public service announcement garbage receptacle duality is here to stay.

There are statements like this and statements that allude to taking care of your children, abstaining from alcohol, etc. Here, parents consider their children grown-up at age 12. There are many problems that stem from the assumption that a 12 year old can and should act as an adult.